Comments=If you want to contribute by updating this translation, simply open Hungarian.lng with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and modify it.||<link></link>
Authors=Herczeg J≤zsef Tamßs|
; if you update this translation, please send it to so I can include it in the next release
;* Main window *
ActionFileNew.Hint=┌j|┌j fßjl lΘtrehozßsa
ActionFileOpen.Hint=Megnyitßs...|Fßjl megnyitßsa
ActionFileOpenNoRecent.Caption=No recent file
ActionFileSave.Hint=MentΘs|A jelenlegi fßjl mentΘse
ActionFileSaveAs.Caption=MentΘ&s mßskΘnt...
ActionFileSaveAs.Hint=MentΘs mßskΘnt...|A jelenlegi fßjl mentΘse ·j nΘven
ActionFilePrint.Hint=Lista nyomtatßsa|A jelenlegi katal≤gus tartalma listßjßnak nyomtatßsa
ActionFileImport.Hint=Importßlßs...|Adatok importßlßsa egy mßsik fßjlformßtumb≤l
Messages.Strings.String[19]=This catalog has pictures stored in it. To save the catalog to XML the pictures have to be in individual files.|If you still want to save the file to XML, click OK to convert these pictures or Ignore if you do not want to keep them (linked pictures will be kept).|The name of the pictures will be based on the value of "Picture naming" of the "Picture importation" page from the Preferences window.
Messages.Strings.String[22]=A kΘp hivatkozßsßnak eltßvolφtßsßn kφvⁿl a kΘpfßjlt is kφvßnja t÷r÷lni a lemezr⌡l? (%s)
Messages.Strings.String[23]=This movie currently has a linked picture, when replacing this link by another picture do you want to delete the old picture file from disk? (%s)
Messages.Strings.String[24]=The picture cannot be copied in the catalog folder until the catalog has a name; please save it somewhere and try again
Messages.Strings.String[25]=Stored in catalog as %s
ActionMovieGetBorrower.Hint=K÷lcs÷nvev⌡ keresΘse|A k÷lcs÷nvev⌡ vagy a kijel÷lt film keresΘse a k÷lcs÷nvev⌡k listßjßban
ActionMovieFindNext.Hint=TovßbbkeresΘs|Film keresΘse, melynek a cφme tartalmazza az adott sz÷veget
ActionOptions.Hint=Options|Options for check in and check out
ActionOptionsIncNum.Caption=Include movies with same &number
ActionOptionsIncNum.Hint=Include movies with same number|Include in check in and check out other movies that have the same number than the selected one
ActionOptionsIncLab.Caption=Include movies with same &label
ActionOptionsIncLab.Hint=Include movies with same label|Include in check in and check out other movies that have the same media label than the selected one
Messages.Strings.String[0]=Ez t÷rli "%s"-t a k÷lcs÷nvev⌡k listßjßr≤l, Θs jel÷lje be az ÷sszes filmet, amiket ennek a szemΘlynek adott k÷lcs÷n.
Messages.Strings.String[1]=Lista bet÷ltΘse ...
Messages.Strings.String[2]=Ezt a filmet valakinek mßr k÷lcs÷nadta
Messages.Strings.String[3]=═rjon be egy nevet
Messages.Strings.String[4]=The following movies are already lent to somebody else:
Messages.Strings.String[6]=═rjon be egy nevet
Messages.Strings.String[7]=┌j k÷lcs÷nvev⌡
;* Export *
Caption=Exportßlßs egy mßsik fßjlformßtumba
CBCopyPictures.Caption=KΘpek mßsolßsa az exportßlt fßjllal azonos mappßba
CBCopyPicturesNew.Caption=Mßsolßs csak akkor, ha a cΘlfßjl nem lΘtezik
LSelectFormat.Caption=Vßlasszon ki egy formßtumot...
Messages.Strings.String[0]=A k÷vetkez⌡ fßjl nem t÷lthet⌡ be el⌡nΘzetre: %s
Messages.Strings.String[1]=Kφvßnja a kΘpeket is importßlni? A kΘpek tßrolhat≤k a katal≤gusban, a katal≤gus mappßjßba mßsolhat≤k, aztßn hozzßrendelhet⌡k, vagy egyszer√en ott is hozzßrendelhet⌡k, ahol vannak.
Messages.Strings.String[3]=Mßsolßs + Hivatkozßs
Messages.Strings.String[5]=Nincs kΘp
Messages.Strings.String[6]=Egyik oszlophoz sem rendelt hozzß mez⌡t (a leg÷rdⁿl⌡ listßban t÷rtΘn⌡ kijel÷lΘssel, majd a megfelel⌡ oszlop fejlΘcre kattintßssal). Nyomja meg az OK gombot, ha mindenkΘpp folytatja (φgy ⁿres mez⌡ket hoz lΘtre az ÷sszes filmhez).
LHImportPic.Caption=Importing picture from external sources
PicImportGetInfo.grp.Caption=For drag && drog / Get information from files
CBPicImportGetInfoNoAsk.Caption=Do not ask for picture import method; always use the above option
PicImportScripting.grp.Caption=For internet scripting
LPicCopyNote.Caption=Note: when picture is stored in the same folder than the catalog, it is deleted when a new picture is set for a movie or when the movie is deleted
LHPicNaming.Caption=Picture naming preference
RBPicNamingOriginal.Caption=Keep original name
RBPicNamingNum.Caption=Use movie number
RBPicNamingTitle.Caption=Use formatted movie title
LPicNamingNote.Caption=Notes: if the picture name is already taken by another movie, a random name will be generated. When there is no original name (e.g. when converting from amc to xml file format), the movie title is used.
CBPicNamingPrefix.Caption=Use catalog name as prefix for the picture name
LvCat.Items.Item[9].Text=KeresΘs az Interneten
LHSearch.Caption=KeresΘs az Interneten
LSearchEdit.Caption=Kijel÷lt sor szerkesztΘse:
btnSearchAdd.Hint=Hozzßadßs|┌j elem hozzßadßsa a kijel÷lt elem elΘ
grpValues.Caption=Available values for the selected option
Messages.Strings.String[0]=Script authors:
Messages.Strings.String[1]=Script title:
Messages.Strings.String[3]=Site address:
Messages.Strings.String[4]=Site language:
Messages.Strings.String[5]=Script version:
Messages.Strings.String[6]=Requires at least:
Messages.Strings.String[8]=Script license:
Messages.Strings.String[9]=Get info from web:
Messages.Strings.String[12]=This will delete the option "%s"
Messages.Strings.String[13]=Option name:
;* Script results window *
Caption=Script execution results
btn4.Hint=|Save information for this movie
btn3.Caption=Save a&ll
btn3.Hint=|Save this movie and all the following ones
btn2.Hint=|Skip this movie only
btn1.Hint=|Abort scripting process
lstValues.Columns.Item[1].Caption=Previous value
lstValues.Columns.Item[2].Caption=New value
Messages.Strings.String[0]=Results for script "%s" for movie %d
Messages.Strings.String[1]=Size: %.0n KB, click here to view
Messages.Strings.String[2]=Do you want to remember which fields to keep for next movies of this script execution? (if you answer No, all the fields modified by the script will be used)